
Group of Companies

Xwena Foundation

Xwena is not focused only on economic transformation, but through its business it sets an example of how corporate entities can bring about social transformation by improving communities, giving people opportunities, improving education and reducing poverty as well as unemployment.

Xwena Foundation has been incorporated as a non-profit company and will be independently developed as a social enterprise to generate income by itself to fund its various programmes. Xwena Foundation will, however, be supported by every single Xwena Company, by contributing 25% (twenty five percent) of its gross income to the Xwena Foundation. At the same time, Xwena will continue to encourage its partners and associates to follow suit.

Our generation has a unique and historic opportunity to address the inequities generated by our shared history. However, in order to build a better future and a truly egalitarian society, we must be innovative and bring about a new paradigm. It requires that we acknowledge the past from which we have emerged and change the persistence of patterns of privilege and poverty, which remain its legacy in the present.

Xwena Foundation